10 Key Rules of Effective Enterprise Information Management

Concepts such as information management and enterprise content management have a long history. Enterprise Information Management (EIM), on the other hand, is recent. It has been a decade since it started to pop up in business conversations. Its buzz is kind of similar to Frontier bundle packages. There are several elements that are responsible for the shift and focus on “all information” among organizations.

What is EIM?

EIM is all about managing, creating, capturing, and using the lifecycle of structured and unstructured information. Their Solutions are basically designed for helping an organization in extracting value from the information, secure that information and meet the list of compliance requirements.

They build agile data management operations by creating, capturing, distributing and consuming information. The goal of this strategy is to preserve information as a business asset. It also helps in keeping the information secure, meaningful, accurate, and accessible.

Benefits of EIM

Enterprise Information Management addresses the issues an organization faces in data management and exploitation. These platforms have evolved in addressing pain points faced by businesses while developing information management strategies.

The information which an organization has to handle is not solely generated internally. It is also created externally and this information must be captured, managed and distributed within the organization. With EIM solutions, it is possible to create such capabilities. Such initiatives are only successful if the data created is properly managed by the organization.

10 Rules for Effective Enterprise Information Management

An effective EIM strategy will establish a foundation upon which you will make sound business decisions. Here are key rules effective EIM:

#1: Customize the EIM framework

Each business has its own needs. For instance, the focus of some business is unstructured data instead of structured data. This generates the need to create a customized EIM framework.

#2: Perform Business Maturity Assessment

To understand the direction for EIM within the organization, first, it is important to perform maturity assessment. This will help develop an EIM roadmap.

You will have to identify the key programs and projects that can get benefit from the information management initiative. It is important to include the data government and metadata management in the strategy.

#3: Define the Information Management Process

It is also important to define the information management process, procedures, management strategies, standards or policies. Along with all this, the budget for the project must be defined, too.

#4: Include All Key EIM Stakeholders

It is crucial to ask yourself why you are developing an EIM program. That way, you will create an EIM strategy that aligns with the vision and goals of your business. Once the strategy is aligned with the vision of the company, EIM will become a permanent aspect of your organization. IT and business stakeholders must be a part of strategy development. This helps in aligning the goals of the program with strategic initiatives.

#5: Build Program Awareness with Communication

Not everyone within the organization would be familiar with EIM and its associated concepts. Hence why it’s pertinent to communicate the basic concepts related to EIM to the key players. This is challenging indeed. But repeated conversations related to EIM can improve its awareness within the organization.

#6: Prepare For Education and Training of Resources

As you are generating awareness of EIM within your organization, you are also understanding the knowledge and experience of your key personnel. You will then know which resources require more training and education on the subject.

#7: Determine A Standard for Measuring Program Success

To measure success, a business must know what it wants to achieve. Throughout the lifetime of EIM, measurement is a key step. There are 2 criteria for measuring EIM success. First is business value and second is acceptability.

Depending on the type of business, you may have different criteria for measuring success. The best approach is to balance strategy goals with short-term achievements.

#8: Define a Transition Plan

The transition plan not just defines the implementation strategy but the roadmap to change management. This means if the projects require any changes, how flexible are they are to change?

#9: Get Feedback and Make Adjustments

A successful EIM calls for feedback and all feedback is not positive. After feedback, identify the adjustments needed to the organizational processes.

#10: Communicate the Results

Once all is set is done, a part of effective enterprise information management is to communicate the results of the strategy as well as any lessons learned during the process.


Experts say that successful implementation of EIM can take several years as it is a multi-stage process. However, businesses can ensure success through effective organizational communication. The management needs to offer complete support to the data professionals as well. Since it is new, intensive education might be required at all stages. Consider it as important as getting familiar with Frontier Internet prices and packages to choose the best one.

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