Last Updated on October 10, 2022 by Surender Kumar
A scroll saw is a handheld power tool that allows you to make intricate cuts in wood. It’s the perfect tool for DIY woodworking projects, and it’s SO much easier to use than a traditional saw. In this blog post, we’ll show you 7 amazing scroll saw projects that you can do at home. With a little time and effort, you’ll be able to create beautiful pieces of art for your home.
7 Amzing Scroll Saw Projects for Your Home
Table of Contents
1. Wooden Box with Inlayed Design
This project is perfect for anyone who wants to try their hand at inlaying. Start by tracing a design onto the top of a wooden box. Then, use a scroll saw to cut out the inside of the design. Next, cut small pieces of wood to fit into the spaces of the design. Finally, glue the pieces into place and sand down any rough edges.
2. Intricate Wall Hanging
This project is a bit more challenging, but it’s so worth it! Using a scroll saw, cut out a intricate design in a piece of wood. Once you’ve cut out your design, sand down the edges and then stain or paint the wood however you’d like. To finish it off, add a hook to the back so you can hang it on your wall.
3. Wooden Spoon Holder
This project is both practical and beautiful! To make this spoon holder, start by cutting out a oval shape from a piece of wood using your scroll saw. Then, use a carved spoon or an exacto knife to carve out 3 small spoon-sized indentations on one side of the oval. Once you’re finished carving, sand down any rough edges and then paint or stain the wood however you like.
4. Personalized Cutting Board
This cutting board would make the perfect housewarming gift! Start by cutting out a rectangle from a piece of hardwood using your scroll saw. Then, use a router to carve out initials or another simple design into one side of the cutting board. Once you’re finished routing, sand down any rough edges and then oil the cutting board with food-safe mineral oil.
5. Cheese Board with Built-in Knife Storage
This cheese board is both functional and stylish! Start by cutting out a rectangle from a piece of hardwood using your scroll saw..Next, use a router to carve out 3 small indents into one side of the rectangle.. These indents will be used to store knives. Once you’ve finished routing , sand down any rough edges and then oil the cheese board with food-safe mineral oil.
6. Decorative Mirror Frame
This mirror frame is both decorative and practical!Start by cutting out 2 identical rectangles from hardwood using your scroll saw. Then, use dowels to join the 2 rectangles together at the corners. Once you’ve joined the rectangles together , sand down any rough edges and then paint or stain them however you like. Finally , add some hardware to the back so you can hang it on your wall.
7. Plant Stand
This plant stand is both sophisticated and easy to make! Start by cutting out 4 identical legs from hardwood using your scroll saw. Then, use dowels to join 2 legs together at each corner .Once you’ve joined all 4 legs together, sand down any rough edges and then paint or stain them however you’d like. Finally, add some felt pads to each leg so your plant stand doesn’t scratch your floors.
And there you have it! These are just 7 of the many amazing things you can make with your scrolling saw. With a little time and effort, you’ll be able to create beautiful pieces that you can be proud of. Thanks for reading!

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