9 Attainable Career Resolutions That Will Help You Win At Work

9 Attainable Career Resolutions

Last Updated on February 15, 2020 by Surender Kumar

The first month of 2020 is about to end – have you thought about your new year’s resolutions yet?

Making new goals and new resolutions for the year ahead are great ways for you to start the year with positivity. Resolutions go beyond waking up earlier, saving more money, and losing pounds. If there’s one aspect in your life where you seriously need to improve on and give your best self, that would be your status in your workplace.

Want to make a change in your career this 2020? Here are 9 achievable workplace resolutions that will help you win at work today.

1. Ditch the old toxic habits

We’re not only talking about the cigarette breaks and stress eating – some habits make you a toxic person to your colleagues.

Excessive whining about insignificant things, gossiping, cruelly criticizing others, throwing tantrums, lowkey bullying coworkers, and even stealing someone’s lunch from the pantry are just some of them. If you’re guilty of at least one of them, you might need to reevaluate yourself.

Any habit that spark negativity can hurt, not only your productivity but also your reputation.

2. Ban procrastination

Not tomorrow, but today. Set simple, realistic goals and commit to reaching those goals. Set your own deadlines too. Get organized by creating a to-do list.

Another way to prevent procrastination is by acknowledging and getting rid of your distractions. Challenge yourself to start and end the day without checking your social media or watching cute animal videos on YouTube.

Lastly, find ways to stay focused. Listening to classical music or white noise is one way to drown out external factors so you could focus on your task at hand.

3. Limit social media

You know how spending too much time on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Snapchat or other forms of social media could jeopardize your work. It’ll negatively impact your productivity and your relationship with your supervisor. Going incognito wouldn’t help if your boss is watching you from behind.

Additionally, commit to a digital detox every once in a while – a cleanse from the toxic social media can be beneficial for your mindfulness.

4. Use that planner

The coffee shop planner you drank 18 cups of coffee for? Use it. Seriously.

Dumping information on your planner gives your mind room for critical thinking. Using a planner gives you the opportunity to do more – to have an organized, purpose-driven life.

You can also go for digital planners which are convenient if you’re always on your phone. There are a wide variety of apps that keep you organized, from food and fitness trackers to money-saving apps.

5. Be job-ready for new opportunities

Update your resume with new skills and experiences acquired. Review and improve your LinkedIn profile and other online job search profiles for HR services and representatives to see. Get a new professional headshot. Make professional contacts and networks too.

We’re not encouraging you to quit your current job and find a new one, but who knows? You might find a company

6. Listen more

Use your ears more than your mouth. Aside from listening to work-related feedback from your boss or HR, learn to listen to all your coworkers. Sometimes, they don’t need advice but a sounding board.

And who knows? You might learn from them too.

7. Learn a new skill

Encourage yourself to keep on growing year after year after year. One of the ways to do it is by learning something new every day.

Read an article or a book Learn more about your industry. Take up a new hobby and activity. If you’re not a gadget person, turn that weakness into strength by learning more about tech. Participate in activities you’ve been dreading to do. Step out of your comfort zone.

Striving to learn something new every day adds a new dimension to your world. Your newly-acquired skills may even help you grow your portfolio in the long run.

It doesn’t need to be work-related – any new hobby, learning, or activity that makes you a better person today than in the previous year is something to be proud of.

8. Take yourself a little less seriously

If all you’ve ever done is work and you’re guilty of pushing your physical and mental states to their limits to reach success, maybe it’s time to relax. Such prolonged stress could flood not only you but the entire office with unnecessary bad vibes.

Lighten up. Crack a joke. Smile often. Take the time to laugh. Enjoy the employees for their mini quirks and differences. Give yourself credit when you deserve It.

9. Stay healthier at work

It’s time to get serious about switching to a healthier lifestyle from this day forward.

  • Eradicate greasy, salty, and sugary foods and bring clean and healthy packed meals to work. Swap sodas for fresh smoothies. Drink more than 8 glasses of water a day.
  • Sneak some simple exercises into your busy schedule. Take the stairs often. Get up from your desk occasionally and stretch.
  • Exposed to air pollution and harsh sun every day? Start wearing a protective mask. Wear sunscreen too.
  • Pay attention to the quality of your rest and sleep. Don’t stress yourself too much, and make the most out of your vacations and rest days.

You’re not getting any younger, and your older self will thank you if you take care of your health today.

Author Bio: Carmina Natividad is a creative writer for HR Dept Australia, a provider of affordable and pragmatic HR services and employment law advice in Australia. Writing about helpful career management solutions for both employees and employers is her cup of tea.

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