A Backpacker’s Guide to Cincinnati

Backpacker's Guide

Last Updated on November 17, 2022 by Surender Kumar

From its name alone, you can tell the literal meaning of backpacking. It is an outdoor adventure that involves the package of an individual’s stuff into a bag while one travels or hikes somewhere to a destination.

A good example is among those who go to the mountains. They explore the whole area and sometimes end up camping there. The next day or after a short period, they pack up all their property into a bag and start a new journey of exploring and the cycle revolves. People who engage in this activity are called backpackers.

Day and night hiking with short overnight hikes are said to be the best. Especially those close to home. The only difference is the size of your bag. You can choose to travel light or heavy. The important part is just to ensure you have all your essentials in your bag. Backpacking is one of the ways to tour and explore the rest of the world. There are different places worldwide that are great for this outdoor activity.

Cincinnati is a city in Ohio a U.S. state is one of those places. The city has many trails perfect for hiking and camping. It is why it is a suitable place for a backpacker. There are backpacking spots, trails, forests, campgrounds, etc. in this city.

Apart from the fact that it is backpacker-friendly, one can still do other things while they are in the city. So many sightseeing cruises are held for tourists ranging from riverboat cruises, dinner cruises, sunset cruises, etc. They also have tours on which people can learn more about the city. As a tourist, you can also explore the city by car.

If you are with a group of friends or people, everyone can agree to use rental vans to get across places and indirectly save on cost. You could also rent a 12-seater car instead if you do not like the rental van option. You can visit the 12-passenger van rental Cincinnati to book one.

As a backpacker visiting Cincinnati or elsewhere, here are some tips to guide you.

Have Destination

You need to pick a location that you want to explore throughout your trip. Preferably pick:

  • Places that will be easy to hike through and are safe
  • Places that have travel trails
  • Places with easy-to-find campgrounds, etc.

A place like Cincinnati has some of these requirements so; you can choose it as a destination. However, if you are doing this for the first time, you can pick a location that is close to home.

Consult experienced people

If you are just doing this for the first time, you can ask people who have the experience to guide you on what to do, what to expect on the way, and generally how to be prepared.

Take friends

You can decide to go backpacking alone, but it does not harm anyone to do this with a friend or group of friends. This will make the whole trip more fun and safe. It is even better if it is a friend with some experience.

If somewhere amidst your journey, you decide to visit the city for one reason or the other, you can rent a car to make transport easier. You can look up car rental Cincinnati online to book one.



Before you plan anything, having a budget in mind goes a long way. With this budget, you will be able to allocate and manage your expenses. When preparing for this trip, if certain things are expensive and above budget, you can save costs by renting them or borrowing from people.


Get your essentials

It is important to ensure that you are fully prepared for this trip so as not to be caught off guard. Pack as little and as many things as you will need. You need things like a torchlight, suitable clothes for travel, sleeping bags, a tent, boots, sleeping pad, bag, kitchen supplies, toiletries, skin or bug protection, etc.

There are some things that you can find easily on the way, so one might not need to pack them. This will help you avoid overpacking. You can write a checklist with which you can check to ensure you have everything.


You need to make plans for how you want to do certain activities on your trip. For example, you need to:

  • Plan the time to start hiking, time to stop, time and number of hours to sleep, the time to shop, cook, take a bath, etc.
  • Plan the number of miles you want to cover per day.
  • Think of provisions for water, food, shelter, etc. Ensure that there is a lake, river, or source of water near you.
  • Prepare in case of an encounter with wildlife.
  • Consider the season you want to carry out this outdoor adventure. Maybe the summer.

There are so many other things to take into consideration and make plans for. Once everything is set, you are ready to go backpacking. Other backpacker guides and destinations, you can check out here.

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