A Short Guide to Meditation

Last Updated on March 21, 2022 by Surender Kumar

Meditation has become increasingly popular over recent years, but it has actually been practiced since 5,000 BCE.

With religious ties in Buddhism, Sikhism, Hinduism, Jainism, and Judaism, meditation has been practiced by a diverse range of people across the world.

Nowadays, many people choose to practice meditation for a number of reasons.

From stress relief and increased self-awareness to improved blood circulation and lower blood pressure, there are numerous benefits to meditation.

Here is a short guide to meditation to help you decide if it is right for you.

What is Meditation?

Meditation describes the conscious practice in which a person uses a technique to become more aware of the present moment and achieve mental clarity and emotional peace within themselves.

There are many techniques one can adopt, such as mindfulness, movement, and mantra meditation.

What Do I Need to Practice?

In the purest form, all you need for a meditation session is yourself and a quiet spot that is free of distractions.

To help you focus, wear comfortable clothes, get yourself in a relaxed position and switch off your devices.

In addition, some people may wish to use mala beads to get them into a meditative state.

A mala traditionally consists of 108 beads and one larger guru bead with a tassel. Mala beads are known for grounding people during meditation, helping you stay on track during mantra meditation, and enabling you to focus the mind during a session.

Shivoham specializes in religious adornments, and they have a large selection of mala beads for avid meditation practitioners.

They use ethically sourced materials, and their beads can be worn on a day-to-day basis as stunning pieces of jewelry.

Physical Health Benefits

When it comes to physical benefits, meditation is known to lower high blood pressure, improve the body’s blood circulation and lower heart rate and respiratory rate.

In addition, it can also reduce perspiration and lower levels of cortisol, the stress hormone.

Mental Health Benefits

Those who practice meditation with Buddhism in mind believe that the main benefit of meditation is liberation and enlightenment.

This practice can promote feelings of well-being, aids relaxation, and can reduce stress and anxiety. Some research has shown that regular, consistent practice can provide you with long-lasting health benefits.

Guided Meditation Videos

It doesn’t matter if you are a complete novice at meditation or have been practicing for years.

Focusing on the mind can be incredibly difficult. There are plenty of guided meditations to help you get started. These types of videos offer gentle instruction to help you focus.

Simple Meditation Technique

Taking a few minutes to practice mindfulness can have a huge impact on your well-being. Begin by getting comfortable and prepare to focus on the inhalation and exhalation of your breath.

From the way you draw air in through the nose and into your stomach to the way you slowly release your breath, home in on the way your body reacts to each inhale and exhale.

During this meditative state, you can choose a mantra to help you focus. A mantra can be a phrase, a word, or simply a sound.

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