About: Nicole Ann Pore


Nicole Ann Pore values hygiene and health that come along with loveliness. She writes about them as well as the significance of and the chief courses a good beauty school has for those who want to delve deeper into the beauty industry. Nicole is a daytime writer for MD College of Australia, a Registered Training Organisation delivering quality education and training in fields under the Beauty Industry. Nicole graduated Cum Laude from De La Salle University Manila, Philippines with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Arts.

Posts by Nicole Ann Pore:

Reasons to keep your house clean

HOUSE, A HOME: 5 Reasons Why You MUST Keep Your House Clean

Being tidy when it comes to your own stuff is one of the first and one of the most important…

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4 Wrong Things People Have Believed About “Getting Fit”

4 Wrong Things People Have Believed About “Getting Fit”

Fitness is a very important aspect of human health. It’s something that you should aim for yourself because it is…

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beauty school

6 Ways to Make Your Beauty School Journey a Delightful Learning Experience

Studying and learning create wonderful experiences you surely will not forget. Although the road to success is not totally easy…

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