Last Updated on April 7, 2020 by Surender Kumar
Men and women are different in appearance, physical development, emotional and mental levels and the same go with nutrition. Women require a lot of vitamin-rich food during pregnancy whereas men need nutrition to grow muscles and enhance their body.
Men are active and physically strong as compared to women, so they require added nutrients to maintain their bodies and keep themselves fit.
Vitamins and nutrients are essential for the growth of the body. They play a significant role in the maintenance of overall health by improving the functioning of various organ systems. Food plays a major role in serving these essential components required to improve the health of a person.
For better results, you must practice prana mudra daily for 30 minutes along with with below mentioned healthy foods.
Here are a few foods that would help to improve your overall health.
List of healthy foods to improve men’s health
Table of Contents
Oysters have many things to offer. They are rich in vitamin C, B12 and are loaded with zinc, selenium, and iron. Vitamin C aids in the growth and repair of tissues. Iron is necessary for blood production. Zinc is essential for cell growth, cell division, wound healing, etc.
The sperm count in men is increased with the use of zinc. It also helps in preventing prostate cancer. It is not produced naturally in the body, and so zinc-rich food should be taken in the diet.
Bananas are a source of instant energy as they are rich in potassium. Potassium is useful in regulating heartbeat and blood pressure. Food rich in potassium can also prevent stroke in a person.
Bananas also help in building your immune system and increase the production of red blood cells. It helps in digestion too. Make sure you eat a banana every day to take in all the benefits it provides.
Fatty fish contains omega-3 which is essential for the proper functioning of the heart. Omega 3 improves blood circulation, builds a strong immune system, and lessens the risk of prostate cancer.
It also improves good cholesterol and eliminates the bad cholesterol. It reduces joint problems. Fatty fish is also a source of vitamin D that is essential for men who are diabetic and have high blood pressure.
Walnuts are rich in omega-3, phytochemicals, and antioxidants. These components are essential for brain health. They help you get rid of depression and also maintain cognitive function.
They also reduce the oxidative stress and inflammation that occur during aging. A few walnuts every day are good for Men’s health.
Also try Liquid Multi Capsules to support your immune system.
Almonds serve as a source of vitamin E, magnesium, and high-quality protein. They also contain unsaturated fatty acids which are essential in the prevention of heart diseases. 3 to 5 almonds every day is good to improve your memory.
Related post: 10 Food Items That Cure Type 2 Diabetes
Whole Grains
Men usually have a lot of carbohydrates in their diet, but the question is, is it the right kind of carbs you are having? A diet rich in whole grains is good as they contain fibers, vitamins, and minerals essential for easy bowel movement. It is good to increase your fiber intake to avoid digestion problems.
Drinking plenty of water would also help you have a smooth bowel movement. Oatmeal and barley are rich in soluble fiber and vitamin B which helps in reducing the bad cholesterol.
Fruits & Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are rich in fibers, vitamins, and minerals required for the body. They help in the growth and development of the body, maintains the functioning of various organs, and also enhances the skin glow. Fruits and veggies contain good quality protein essential for the overall development of a person.
Eggs are a good source of vitamin B6 and B5. These vitamins improve libido and regulate hormone levels in the body. It also contains vitamin B12 that aids in weight loss.
Related post: List of Keto Diet Foods for Vegetarians
Soybeans are the most widely used legume across the globe. You can consume soy products such as soymilk, soy cheese, etc. as they can improve the heart function by increasing good cholesterol and reducing bad cholesterol. They also reduce the risk of prostate cancer.
Berries or Cherries
All the colorful berries have high antioxidant properties. They are low in calories, useful for brain function, delays aging, and are no doubt delicious. So, it is good to add a few servings of berries and cherries in your diet.
Hi, I am Ayushi. I am a passionate writer specializing in wellness, lifestyle, and sustainability. I loves crafting engaging content to inspire positive change and empower readers to live their best lives.
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