Last Updated on August 29, 2024 by Surender Kumar
Though times have changed and we have progressed towards a modern era but we still haven’t completely phased into the modernity of 21st century. We still are reluctant to explore new and uncharted territories modern era has to offer, online grocery shopping apps are one of those territories we still are reluctant to explore.
This article will unbiasedly help you to explore the uncharted territory of online grocery shopping.
Online grocery shopping has been quite a trend from past 4-5 years but only in major cities, such as fruit delivery in Dubai or seafood delivery in Hakodate. In upcoming years it’s predicted that online grocery market size is going to grow to sky-high levels.
Due to this massive growth, online grocery shopping will be the new normal, hence this article is going to get you ready for it by giving you a broad view on its pros and cons.
Following are the pros of online grocery shopping
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1. Flexible timetable
With online shopping, you do not have to go shopping at certain hours of the day, you can shop while in bed, at work, in the kitchen or while watching that favorite movie in your TV launch. Online grocery shopping is very convenient and easy.
2. No miscommunication
Let’s consider a situation in which you and your sister brought home the same fish to cook for dinner, hey you can always throw a party, but what you if are not planning on throwing one? Miscommunication while shopping can result in a waste of food and money.
Whereas in online grocery shopping you can always keep track of your cart; cancel an order or append a product to your order. Online shopping lets you have full control over your shopping without leaving a margin for miscommunication.
3. Pressure-free environment
While in a supermarket it can be very pressurizing to compare product prices and read their info because someone would either be breathing down your neck or you might be getting suffocated by the fear that bill might exceed your budget.
When shopping from an online grocery store you can take all the time you need to place an order, comfy and hassle-free.
Following are the cons of online grocery shopping
1. Stock runs out
It might happen that you have noticed that fresh kingfish on an online grocery store that you are going to order for the dinner you are hosting on the day after tomorrow.
Exact on the day you were planning on ordering that fish the stock runs out and you are short on time and do not know what to do. Hassle hassle! The cat is out of the box now.
2. Outdoor shopping experience
Shopping from the comfort of the home has a great value but it might happen that you miss the joy of outdoor shopping. In outdoor shopping, you can feel that apple in your palm with that vibrant natural colors smoothing your eyes.
It can quite be a soul liberating experience when shopping in person and feeling everything first hand, while with online shopping, screens can’t facilitate us with the sense of touch or feel.
3. Quality time with loved ones
If you like to go on shopping with your loved ones on weekends just to spend some quality time than online shopping can be a buzz kill. Anyhow you don’t want your loved one to be bummed because you went shopping alone.
The Conclusion
Overall online grocery shopping can be really helpful as well as will be the new normal, so now or in years to come we have to transition to a lifestyle that has online grocery shopping in it. Hence we must open up to possibilities the 21st century is bringing to the table.
To sum it up everything has good and bad aspects if we avoid and improve bad aspects while promoting good aspects we can make this world a better place and our life easier. We should always look for positivity and not live in the captivity of our negativity because nothing is perfect, not even us.