Spinal Cord Injury From Bike Accident – Dangers

spinal cord injury from bike

Spinal cord injuries from bike accidents pose significant risks and lead to lifelong complications. Since bike riders do not have a protective shell around themselves, the risk of injuries is greatly increased, especially when there are other vehicles involved. Collision from a motor vehicle or other heavy trucks can lead to serious outcomes. The sudden impact from falling can severely damage the spinal cord, neck, brain, and other vital body parts.

Therefore, bike riders are greatly advised to follow safety measures and traffic rules to minimize the risks of accidents and injuries. Understanding the dangers and injuries associated with bike riding is important for both bike riders and other motor vehicles as well.

If, despite following safety measures, you have been injured in a bike accident, DDRB Lawyers can represent you in court and help you get justice. Read this blog to learn more about the risks associated with bike riding and what safety measures you can implement to avoid the problem. 

What are the types of spinal cord injuries from a bike accident?

Basically, there are two types of spinal cord injuries: complete and incomplete. In a complete injury, there is a total lack of sensation, and you will not be able to feel anything below the affected site.

However, in an incomplete injury, you might be able to move some parts of your body below the injury site. Most spinal cord injuries occur in the cervical spine, which can lead to paralysis and necessitate medical care all the time. 

If the injury has happened in the lumbar spine, you might experience significant issues like loss of control over bladder or bowel movements. Other common spinal cord injuries include dislocations, fractures, concussions, and whiplash. Such injuries can severely affect your mobility and independence.

It will affect your day-to-day life and make everyday tasks burdensome. It will lead to emotional distress and pain for you and your family.

Effects of fall and collision.

People who ride bikes on rough terrain or mountain areas are more likely to get spinal cord injuries. This is because they ride at a very high speed on the bumpy road. People who drive in urban areas might not face the same problem.

However, they might still hurt their back if they collide with other motor vehicles or obstacles. This collision can lead to a range of spinal cord injuries, from minor damage to permanent paralysis. Also, most people who experience back injuries in sports are hurt from biking.

The importance of safety equipment.

Despite knowing the risks associated with biking, many people choose to ignore the safety measures, which leads to severe outcomes.

Therefore, it is highly advised to wear helmets and other safety gear such as gloves, riding jackets, and shoes to minimize the impact in case of a fall or collision. Wearing these safety equipment provides a protective layer and reduces the severity of head and spine injuries.

Apart from wearing safety gear, make sure to be aware of the surroundings and keep your eyes on the rear-view mirrors. Follow traffic laws strictly and slow down at intersections. While changing your lane, make sure to use hand signals or indicators.

While riding during nighttime, wear reflective clothing and ensure your tail lights are properly lit. It will allow other drivers to notice you and stop their vehicle in time. Additionally, education and awareness are also important to enhance the safety of bike riders and other motorists.

Hire an attorney today!

Bike accidents can be devastating and lead to lifelong complications. If you have been injured in a bike accident, regardless of meeting all the safety standards, do not hesitate to get legal help. Hire an attorney to get compensation for your damages today.

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