How to Boost Blog Traffic by Applying Proven Tips from the Top Australian SEO Blogs

SEO Search engine optimization Tips

Last Updated on June 27, 2024 by Surender Kumar

When you are publishing something online, you expect people to read it. Be it a book review or snack recipe, you want people to read. However, you have not reached out to target audience as assumed. This situation should not put you off from writing. The worst case scenario, you will lose a handful of readers as well. To make a strong impression on the Google search result, you need to follow a few tips.

The decreasing number of traffic is definitely a nightmare for every blogger. All the hassles that you took for generating links, traffic and sales, the efforts will go in vain. It is quite a normal scene for every new blogger on the block. But the normality of the situation must not deter you from your goal. Till the time is on your side, know how the top Australian SEO blogs work towards getting traffic boost. Go through the article and understand how to welcome a traffic jump.

Create Crisp Content and Headline

The content must be relevant always. For example, you are talking about the Melbourne Comedy Festival in a recent post. After a few months, the post will lose its relevancy. The upcoming event will become the talk of the month. Therefore, its impact will not live forever. Instead, you can talk about the classic comedy shows and movies.

Along with it, review the headline before finally publishing. The headline gets more audience than you could ever imagine. Keep experimenting with headlines to break the monotony of regular styles. In many cases, the readers skip the blog after glancing at the headlines.

Social Media Run the World

To put things in the simplest manner, having a social presence on Twitter or Facebook is imperative. At first, create a Twitter account and tweet consistently. Always share relevant links but do not tweet too much, either. Also, retweet when something relevant comes up. In this way, you can gain followers and more readers.

Facebook offers a chance to extend your platform. So, you need to create a Facebook page. People who have not been in friend list may start liking page. Eventually, the blog post will fetch more audience. You can also use social bookmarking sites to promote the blog.

Don’t Forget to Build some Links

When it comes to SEO, link-building plays a major role. Skipping this step is a carnal sin in the SEO world. One of the Google ranking factors includes that links are important. Building links can be a strenuous job due to manual outreach. You can follow another way of improving site speed. Don’t forget to check whether the blog turns out to be attracting on mobile site, too.

Optimise Website Speed

When a reader has to wait for minutes to check the images, infographics or videos, the person is likely to skip the site. Google considers site loading speed as one of the prime ranking factors. To initiate the task, you can optimise WordPress performance. There will be a low chance of bloat.

Apart from the previously mentioned tricks, you can get the latest SEO tips easily. All you need to do is to contact the experts now.

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